Email and tracking techniques
"Recommendation" "Confidential Approach" "Keen to speak" 🙄 Cold emails (sending an unsolicited email for business purposes) are an unfortunate fact of life. Tenacious reps exhibit an admirable »
"Recommendation" "Confidential Approach" "Keen to speak" 🙄 Cold emails (sending an unsolicited email for business purposes) are an unfortunate fact of life. Tenacious reps exhibit an admirable »
tl;dr A post outlined how you can use Cloudflare's API to query for your Origin IP and use that for SSH. However, they »
Whether out of habit or clarity of reading, I often find myself writing shell recipes like: $ cat file.txt | grep foo ...instead of... $ grep foo < »
Quick intro I use nginx and LetsEncrypt (via nginx-proxy and Docker) to reverse proxy my home services. This allows me to use domain names for each »
CLI macOS (10.14.6) airport binary symlink: $ sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport While connected, »
Disclaimer Since I first started writing, CD Project Red (CDPR) has stopped serving the IP address and domain contained within this post. It is unfortunate that »
Not all versions of Cron are created equal. I had a need to run a specific command on the first Sunday of each month at 3am. »